Registered pedigree stock is usually available for sale, dependent on the season.
Sheep are flock animals with an important social hierarchy and suffer stress when separated so I prefer to sell small groups together, with the exception of breeding rams which might benefit from having a wether for a companion.
All breeding stock is fully registered with Grassroots in the RBST Combined Flock Book before sale. Please support the Rare Breeds Survival Trust in the conservation of Portland sheep by insisting on buying registered animals and by continuing to notify births and registrations in your own flock.
All births in my Portland flock are notified to the RBST. Registrations are usually done when the animal is over a year old when its quality can be properly assessed for breeding purposes. This is particularly important in rams. I do not sell lambs for this reason, but wait until their second summer/autumn and so they become available as shearlings.
Starter flocks
Starter flock 1; Sold
Starter flock 2; SOLD
I will have a number of gimmers and older ewes
available later this year
Please email to register your interest
or for further details