Fleece and Wool
The flock is usually shorn in June, the majority with powered shears, but a few ewes may be clipped traditionally using blades, producing wool without 'second cuts' for showing as a rolled fleece. All fleeces are individually indentified, skirted and vegetable contamination removed. They are offered for sale as raw fleece, ie not washed or scoured. The use of anti-fly pour-on is avoided if possible in the Spring.
Bluefaced Leicester Wool and coloured fleeces
I also keep a small flock of Pedigree Bluefaced Leicester sheep, producing wool renowned for its long staple, fineness, strength and lustre. In addition some crossbreds give a naturally coloured fleece. Both have found favour with Fleece judges and handspinners, weavers and and felters.
Portland fleece is fine and creamy and much appreciated by hand-spinners. Some sheep have wool fine enough to produce a wedding-ring shawl. I select breeding rams with fine, uniform fleeces whenever possible.
The Marsden flock is particularly noted for fine, high quality wool. Both flocks have been successful in fleece classes at shows across the South. In 2006 Waterman Jonquil produced the winning fleece for the NSA National Fleece Championship.